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Teaching and Learning

The Purpose of Teaching and Learning

Scalby School is committed to raising standards of achievement and places teaching and learning at the core of this principle to ensure the continuity and progression of learning.

The core purpose of the School is to raise standards of achievement for all learners. Developing effective teaching and learning strategies to underpin a broad and balanced curriculum provides students with the opportunities to build on their strengths and achieve their potential in all areas of their education. This is essential in a world that is rapidly changing where we have a responsibility to create learning opportunities for our students which will equip them with the life-long skills and attributes needed to be successful in a variety of fields.

What is Effective Teaching and Learning?

All leaders have as their primary focus the improvement of teaching and learning and improving the outcomes for students and all teaching staff have a performance management target linked to student outcomes. As a school we understand learning is effective when:

  • there is relevance and interest alongside challenge;
  • lessons are enjoyable for students;
  • there are clear learning outcomes that are appropriately differentiated;
  • literacy and numeracy development are an important part of learning
  • mistakes are seen as learning opportunities
  • thinking skills are encouraged;
  • there is engagement and participation;
  • independence is promoted;
  • there is a climate of co-operation;
  • there is an understanding that learning is a process over time
  • students assess their own learning and set their own learning goals

What can Students do to support Teaching and Learning?

As well as the core agreed principles of the school students should also be prepared to:

  • take an active interest in their learning;
  • arrive at lessons on time and with the appropriate equipment – be prepared to learn;
  • respond positively to challenges set – taking risks to achieve success;
  • reflect on their own learning, redrafting and improve their work
  • develop their confidence in communicating ideas, questioning their own and others’ ideas and evaluating the strengths of others’ opinions;
  • collaborate positively with other students – let others learn;
  • be willing to accept support and encouragement from parents/carers/tutors/mentors/outside agencies and other staff
  • meet deadlines;
  • share and celebrate the hard work of other learners;
  • accept that everyone learns in different ways and at different paces and that we should respect and build on these differences;
  • share their voice through The Student Council and other media e.g. student questionnaires and interviews;
  • take opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom.


Parents/carers are encouraged to take an active involvement in their children’s learning by:

  • encouraging them to have a healthy breakfast before they come to school;
  • ensuring they arrive at school punctually every day;
  • ensuring they follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • ensuring they have an appropriate amount of sleep;
  • providing them with the correct equipment/kit;
  • checking and signing student planners to ensure homework is completed and using the planner to communicate with school;
  • taking an active interest in their individual targets, their half termly Praising Stars reports and their rewards tally;
  • contacting the school to discuss progress or difficulties;
  • supporting the school’s extra-curricular activities; presentation evenings and other focused events;
  • attending parents’ evenings on request and parents’/carers’ consultation meetings.
Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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